Preliminary mock up: Thor ice scrapers will be suspended from the ceiling in a chandelier-like orientation, reminiscent of a hanging icicle. Different tiers of suspended Thors will highlight the extension feature of the product.
Thor Chandelier design executed
Alternative option mock up: To reflect the holiday theme, Pivot Power outlets will be mounted onto the back wall to resemble candy canes. Guests can recharge their electronics on Converge docking stations displayed.
Alternative option mock up: Stems will be hung from the ceiling in a spiral shape, reminiscent of a lemon skin swirl. Some Stems will also be embedded in the fabricated lemon to present a visual association to product functionality of the citrus spritzer.
Alternative option mock up: A V-shaped sculpture will support wine bottles held stationary by a Vine on each shelf. For wine lovers, Verseurs will be displayed on shelves along the back wall as well.
Santa's Quirkshop Nighttime Shot of Final Event Design
Wireframe drafting of a designed area, the Multiplicity Wall, to highlight product quantities needed
3D modeling of Multiplicity Wall

- Idea development
- 3D modeling
Conceptualize an inventive product display with an installation quality to highlight a key area within an outdoor holiday pop up shop
SoHo, NY
Primary Audience
Holiday shoppers
Work created for
TH Productions internship